約在2000年時,一些關心孩子教育的華裔家長,隨著孩子參加美國童軍的活動,不但瞭解到童軍訓練給孩子的好處,也看到灣區日益增長的華裔第二代,可以在具有百年歷史的童軍活動中,學到主流價值與生活技巧,於是成立了美華童軍協會(CASA: Chinese American Scouting Association),多年來培養無數華裔童軍。
CASA成立至今,估計有數千、將近萬人的華裔子弟,參加過灣區的華裔童軍團。在這些童軍團中完成最高鷹級童軍(Eagle scout)的,也有數百人,這些孩子往後在申請學校時,或申請工作時,往往優先錄用,因為美國人知道能夠完成並獲得鷹級童軍的孩子,已經經歷過許多的磨鍊,學到很多的溝通技巧,有完整的人格,知道如何團隊合作,與人溝通,並且會有最好的表現。
CASA目前有超過20個會員童軍團,包括童軍、幼童軍、女童軍及探險童軍(Venturing Crew)等分布於舊金山南灣各城市。如果您也有興趣跟孩子一起加入童軍,歡迎與我們聯繫。
(本文部分內容摘錄自世界日報記者王慶偉採訪童軍輔導張一駿的報導:參加童軍 受用一生)
CASA provides quality scouting programs for the Chinese youth in our community and gives the relatively shy Chinese youth a better chance of practicing leadership skills.
About CASA
CASA provides quality scouting programs for the Chinese youth in our community and gives the relatively shy Chinese youth a better chance of practicing leadership skills. Although there are many existing Cub Packs and Scout Troops around, not all of them have the same level of qualities (full uniform, for example) that we aim for. For the few that do, there are not enough of them to give the ample leadership opportunities needed.
The Cub Pack or Scout Troop or girl scout troop can be a new network for the families to help each other, learn how to thrive in this new world. Also, in this friendly environment, the parents got a chance to learn and practice as much, if not more than the youth, all the skills that we need to be successful in this land of a different culture. In short, we want the youth and the parents to improve together through the scouting program.
Through the activities that CASA promotes, we hope we are making progress on this topic. Some of these activities are:
Involvement in the Orders of the Arrow
Participate in the District as volunteers, attend and support annual District Recognition Dinner
Participate in the Council as volunteers, attend and support annual Council Recognition Dinner
Participate in the “outside the unit” activities, such as District Camporee, Bear Paw, Scout-o-rama, National Jamboree, etc.
CASA成立於2000年,目前有超過20個會員童軍團,包括童軍、幼童軍、女童軍及探險童軍(Venturing Crew)等。
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